Compete in the Barber Battle
BarberVille Festival II will be hosting a barber battle this year. Categories include Fastest Fade, Fade & Beard, Creative Freestyle Design, and Classic Cut.
1st Place: $500 Cash, BarberVille Trophy & Prize Bag
2nd Place: BarberVille Trophy & Prize Bag
3rd Place: Prize Bag
Learn more about the battles and click the link below to register to compete.
Battle Categories
Here are the rules for each battle category:
• Barber has 15 mins to complete full fade and line-up
• No pre-cut guidelines
• No pre-cut shape up
• Model must have #2 1/2 or higher hair length on top
• Top of the hair must be taken down to #1 1/2 max length
• Barbers will be judged on speed, cleanliness of blend, sharpness of hairline
• Barber has 40 mins to complete
• Model must have #2 or higher hair length on top
• In order to qualify, the model should have a clearly visible amount of facial hair (the less patchy, the better)
• Must shape and style beard during the competition
• Longer-length hair is welcome
• Barber has 60 mins to complete
• Barbers are expected to demonstrate their artistic abilities and creativity to the utmost
• Use of color and enhancements are allowed
• No pre-cut designs
• The complexity of design, color usage, cleanliness, and overall haircut are all important factors that will determine the winner
• Barber has 40 mins to complete
• Must execute a typical "Gentleman's Cut"
• Acceptable cuts include comb-overs, pompadours, side parts, etc.
• Barber must cut and style the model
• Finished look of the cut and styling of the hair are important in determining the winner
• The finished look and overall cut and styling of the hair are all important factors that will determine the winner